#125 The Lazy Genius Asks for Help

Sometimes asking for help is the hardest thing to do, but you’re allowed to ask for help, no matter the circumstance. It’s good, in fact, to ask for help. And today, we’re talking about the ways to do it – the different kinds of therapy and different reasons why or why not you might pursue them. Plus, I talk about how to be a good friend to someone else who needs help. It’s a heavy topic, but one that I want to join in the flow of normalizing it.

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October 3, 2019 Update: Some Lazy Genius listeners chimed in with some thoughtful commentary on terms and distinctions not included in this episode. I’ve listed them below:

“In California, my official title is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. In my state, all therapists have to have a minimum of a master's degree plus supervised 3000 intern hours in order to be eligible for Licensure. I know all states have different titles for various offerings of mental health professions. The description you gave of counselors in the episode is what my training was, but we are known as therapists where I live. I thought it might be helpful for your audience to know that the area they live in may use different titles as they explore their options.”

“Psychiatrists have a MD, not a PhD (although of course, some may have PhDs in another field). They go through medical school and a psychiatric residency.”

“I am a clinical social worker, and beyond my master’s degree in social work, I had to get about 2,000 supervised hours, and pass a test at a clinical level. For most social workers who do not want to teach at college or do research/get a PhD, this is the highest level we attain to. Social work is a strengths-based area, instead of deficiency based, as some areas are.”


#126 The Lazy Genius Guide To Grocery Shopping


#124 The Lazy Genius Weekly Plan