Kendra, The Lazy Genius Kendra, The Lazy Genius

#101 The Lazy Genius Deals with Sickness

Our family went through it in the first couple of months of 2019 with two bouts of the stomach bug, the flu, sinus infections, a cold that wouldn’t end… it was rough. The steps I share in this episode made it far less horrible for us, and I hope they do the same for you.

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Kendra, The Lazy Genius Kendra, The Lazy Genius

#100 Change Your Life Chicken

You guys, we’ve hit 100 episodes! How fun is that?! And the only appropriate way to celebrate, in my opinion, is to deep dive into Change Your Life Chicken! I never thought a chicken recipe would be my legacy, but here we are.

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Kendra, The Lazy Genius Kendra, The Lazy Genius

#90 Set the Right Goals Without Fizzling Out

Goal setting can be a dangerous game. We can go overboard and try to do all the things, but when we don’t, we feel like complete failures. This week’s episode, I share three steps to help you move from goal-setting that doesn’t work to a mindset that does so that January starts feeling more exciting than terrifying.

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Kendra, The Lazy Genius Kendra, The Lazy Genius

#89 Reset the House Instead of Burning It Down

Tomorrow marks the beginning of 2019, can you believe that?! In today’s episode, I talk about why it’s okay if you don’t have all of your goals and intentions for the year crystal clear by the time the ball drops tonight. And I offer three tips for resetting your home after the holidays in a (mostly) painless way.

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Kendra, The Lazy Genius Kendra, The Lazy Genius

#88 Refocus Your Christmas Brain

A gentle, loving reminder that you matter this Christmas season. . .even if you feel overwhelmed and those family traditions you care so much about fall apart.

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