The Summer Docket: The Lazy Genius Guide to Making Summer Fun


The Summer Docket is a five-step guide to making the season fun. This workbook helps you name what matters about the summer months, identify things you actually want to do, and make time to enjoy all the things whether planned, spontaneous, or in your day-to-day life.

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The Summer Docket is a five-step guide to making the season fun. This workbook helps you name what matters about the summer months, identify things you actually want to do, and make time to enjoy all the things whether planned, spontaneous, or in your day-to-day life.

The Summer Docket is a five-step guide to making the season fun. This workbook helps you name what matters about the summer months, identify things you actually want to do, and make time to enjoy all the things whether planned, spontaneous, or in your day-to-day life.

The Summer Docket is for you if you...

  • love the promise of summer days but wonder where the season goes every year

  • want to say yes to spontaneity without sacrificing your routine

  • miss having joyful summer moments of your own

The Summer Docket will help you...

  •  make mental space for daily activities, vacations, and the spontaneous "yes!"

  • name what matters to you from June through August

  • feel like yourself this summer

This isn't The Holiday Docket dressed in summer clothes. This is a 35-page workbook that will help you prioritize, essentialize, organize, personalize, and systemize your summer (without sucking the soul of it).